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Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog

Why Install Air Purifiers and Filters for the Winter

The season that’s most closely associated with allergies and asthma problems is the spring, when the pollen count often soars. But this isn’t the only time of the year when you need to watch out for unhealthy pollutants getting inside your house. In the winter—even a mild Florida winter—indoor air quality problem often spike, which can be especially troublesome for asthma and allergy sufferers.

The reason that air quality declines in winter

Let’s consider the winter weather conditions in Florida: there’s no snow or ice, but there’s rain and a general cooling. You’ll run your heating system more frequently, but usually the best way to stay warm is simply to keep windows and doors closed so very little heat escapes from the indoors. This is an energy-efficient method to maintain comfort during mild winters.

But closing up a house like this leads to trapping more than just heat indoors. Without the circulation of fresh air that you often enjoy during warmer times of the year, contaminants will begin to build up in the house, accumulating inside the ductwork. You’ll often discover the air becoming stale and dusty, and it will trigger allergies and asthma.

Look to air purifiers and filters to solve the problem

If your house doesn’t have an air purification or filtration system, now is definitely a good time to consider having one installed. Filters and purifiers will trap the contaminants that you don’t want moving through the air of your living space.

To find the right combination of filters and purifiers, you should contact a professional indoor air quality technician. The wrong strength of filter will end up placing excess strain on air flow, while the incorrect type of air purifier will not do much good. (For example, if you have mold spores in your home, you should have a UV air purifier rather than a standard electronic air cleaner.)

For the right set of air filters and purifiers for your house, contact Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc. We service Ft. Walton Beach and all of Northwest Florida.

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