Life is hectic. Sometimes things get away from us. Time rushes by, and in the bustle and busyness of our lives, we forget to do something important, like scheduling AC maintenance in the spring or early summer. Now, well into the middle of summer, you’ve realized you skipped your AC tune-up. What can you do about it? Is it worth scheduling AC maintenance now? In a nutshell, the answer is yes. If you’re ready for AC maintenance in Navarre, FL, we’re ready to help you out.
Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’
Help! I Skipped My AC Maintenance This Year!
Monday, July 22nd, 2024Does Your Air Conditioner Require Maintenance?
Monday, October 17th, 2022
Like any other complex system with many finicky components, air conditioners operate most efficiently and require the fewest repairs if they are maintained regularly. What exactly is involved in air conditioner maintenance? And can you do it yourself? And what exactly do we mean by regularly? If you’d like to know more, we’d love to help you understand all about this important process.
What Happens During AC Maintenance?
Monday, July 12th, 2021
Your air conditioner is one of the most crucial investments you can make to improve the comfort your home offers. Modern air conditioners are a blessing for homeowners. These units are designed to last 10 to 15 years, offering you and your family living in Florida much-needed respite from the hot weather here. The expected operational lifespan of an air conditioner depends a lot on how well-maintained your unit is.
Like any mechanical device or appliance, an air conditioner must get regular inspections, tune-ups, and maintenance to ensure that it runs optimally and for a long time. Scheduling AC maintenance in Navarre, FL, can make a world of difference in how well your air conditioner performs.
Routine maintenance can ensure that your air conditioner does not develop any major problems. It can also detect any impending repairs before the problems worsen and fix any issues before leading to expensive repairs. But what happens during this service?
What Happens During Professional AC Maintenance?
Monday, March 9th, 2020
It’s that time of year again—the time where we turn off our heaters in favor of our cooling systems. In fact, depending on which of our service areas you’re in, you likely are already using your AC. But, did you have it maintained before you started using it? Don’t worry—if your answer is “no,” it’s not too late!
Maintenance is a preventive service for your HVAC systems that help them last longer, perform better, and resist big emergency repair needs that could cost you an arm and a leg. Homeowners are sometimes resistant to such a service, feeling like it’s not “needed.” But when something goes wrong that could have been prevented, you’ll see just how valuable maintenance is.
For some homeowners, it helps to understand exactly what goes on during maintenance. Our professionals thoroughly clean the system for optimal performance, make adjustments to any loose components, and make recommendations for repairs. We do all this while carefully inspecting your air conditioner, and this is the important part! Read on to learn more about this step.
How to Get the Most Out of Your AC This Summer
Monday, March 27th, 2017You know as well as we do that we never really escape summer here in Florida. Therefore, it’s vital that you have a fully functioning and efficiently operating air conditioner to get you through the hottest of months. As spring begins with summer soon to follow, it’s time to start thinking about how you can best save on your energy costs.
We offer quality Pensacola, FL air conditioning services, should you find yourself facing a system breakdown or even a small repair need. In the meantime though, we’d like to share some of our tips with you to help you use your AC as much as you need to this coming cooling season, but still save money.