Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

How Your Pets May Be Causing Your Air Conditioner Problems

Monday, June 24th, 2024

You’ve probably got a pretty good idea of how to keep your AC system in decent condition. Make sure you get annual maintenance, change the air filter monthly, and hose down or rake around the outdoor unit to keep good airflow going. Of course, if you’ve got an air conditioner problem, you should have it repaired promptly, so the problem won’t have a chance to worsen.

But there are things that could be happening to your air conditioner that you’re not noticing. Sometimes, pets are the cause of a sneaky air conditioner problem you haven’t figured out yet. What could that be? We’ll explain.

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Beware These Ominous AC Sounds

Monday, September 5th, 2022

Air conditioners make noise. That’s only to be expected—they do a lot of work, and they’re full of moving parts. Anything with a motor and a fan will always create some sound.

However, there’s a difference between the normal noise of regular AC operation and the kind of sounds that indicate a problem. Knowing which is which can help you determine when everything is as it should be and when you need to schedule AC repair in Destin, FL. Here are several noises you don’t want to hear from your air conditioner, and if you do hear them, you’ll know it’s time to call a professional.

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What to Do When You See Ice on Your Air Conditioner

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Does your AC look frozen? An icy AC always means there is something wrong with your unit, and the sooner you get the problem resolved, the better. If you ignore the issue, it could grow into a bigger problem–potentially even a complete system breakdown. A frozen AC also uses more energy, and you will eventually see an uptick in your energy bills. 

Here we answer some key questions such as, “why does ice appear on an air conditioner?” and “do I need to call a technician for AC repair in Destin, FL to get the problem fixed?”

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Summer Heat Advisory: Is Your Air Conditioner Ready?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

Summer is right around the corner, and if you’ve lived in Northwest Florida for even just a year, you know that summer extends well into the other seasons. In fact, you could almost say winter is nonexistent here, at least when it comes to temperature.

That said, it’s important that you know—the NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) has predicted that summer 2021 is going to be a hot one. One of the top tips you’ll hear from many climate experts when a summer like this is approaching is to stay inside. But what if you don’t have an effective or efficient air conditioner? You could find yourself spending a lot of money this year, and for not a whole lot of comfort.

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Beware These 4 Signs of AC Trouble

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Air conditioners can’t last forever. It would be nice, but technology simply hasn’t allowed for that yet. If your system is well cared for, you can expect to get about 10-15 years of efficient use out of it–maybe more if you’re really fortunate!

But living in any city within Florida means your air conditioner goes through a lot of work and accumulates a lot of wear and tear throughout the years. So, if you want any hope of your air conditioner even reaching its intended lifespan, it needs to be professionally maintained, and you need to stay on top of your AC repair needs.

But how do you know you have AC repair needs? Are there any telltale signs? Yup, there sure are! Read on as we uncover 4 of the most common.

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3 Sounds You Should Never Hear Your AC Making

Monday, June 15th, 2020

While other parts of the country are just now starting to use their air conditioners for the season. Those of us in the Navarre area use ours on nearly a daily basis. This said, our cooling systems go through a lot every year, accumulating wear and tear at a rapid rate, and possibly requiring more repairs because of this.

To avoid the biggest and most sudden of repair needs, we encourage you to schedule maintenance at least once a year for your air conditioning system. During your tune-up, our professionals comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components of your air conditioner to ensure its optimal performance. With or without this tune-up, however, if your AC is making sounds you don’t recognize, it’s time to call in a professional. What sounds are we referring to? Read on!

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Beware These 4 Signs of AC Malfunctions

Monday, July 29th, 2019

outside-unit-of-an-air-conditionerThe reason we talk about repair needs and malfunctions so much this time of the year is because this is the time of year they’re most likely to occur! And AC repair is one of those services you need to schedule ASAP and not wait on. We see a lot of systems, unfortunately, that are near failure simply because homeowners waited too long to call for repairs.

The longer you wait, the more likelihood there is of a “domino effect” inside your air conditioner—that is, a malfunctioning or failing component impacting other components in your air conditioner. Taking care of your air conditioner is good for your comfort, your home, and your wallet!

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Are You Haunted By These Scary AC Noises?

Monday, October 23rd, 2017

two outdoor units of a central AC unitThough temperatures have begun to cool off some for the fall season, you’re likely still using your air conditioner on a fairly regular basis. And since we all know heat waves can hit even in the dead of winter, you want to do everything you can to ensure that your cooling system is ready to handle whatever comes its way. This means scheduling routine maintenance, but also being vigilant about check for signs that your system needs Destin, FL air conditioning repair services.

For instance, is your air conditioner making strange noises during operation? Sure you could ignore these noises, but they could haunt you, leaving you wondering if your air conditioner is going to fail on you when you least expect it. This is why you should never ignore any ominous sounds. Keep reading to learn what some of these noises are that you should listen for.

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Common Summer AC Needs

Monday, September 11th, 2017

An air conditioner unit outside a brick home in a residential neighborhood. The air conditioner is in a back yard in the hot summer seasonHurrah, summer is almost over! Alright, so maybe that doesn’t mean much for those of us in Northwest Florida. In fact, it means we have to do our due diligence even more than other parts of the country to ensure that our air conditioning systems are in good condition year-round, to supply us with efficient and effective cooling.

Still though, AC problems tend to come up around this time of the year, since around these parts, we run them consistently day in and day out. Hopefully, you had maintenance done before the summer season began. Considering how much you use your cooling system, particularly if it’s a heat pump, then this service appointment should be scheduled at least twice a year. Regardless of how well you care for your system though, there’s always a chance that you’ll find yourself in need of air conditioning repair in Destin, FL. Keep reading to learn about some common repair needs.

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