Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Help! I Skipped My AC Maintenance This Year!

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Life is hectic. Sometimes things get away from us. Time rushes by, and in the bustle and busyness of our lives, we forget to do something important, like scheduling AC maintenance in the spring or early summer. Now, well into the middle of summer, you’ve realized you skipped your AC tune-up. What can you do about it? Is it worth scheduling AC maintenance now? In a nutshell, the answer is yes. If you’re ready for AC maintenance in Navarre, FL, we’re ready to help you out.

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Ductless Mini Splits Are Ideal in These Situations

Monday, July 8th, 2024

A ductless mini split is a great option for pretty much any situation. They integrate smoothly with a heat pump, providing warmth in winter as well as AC in the summer. They are surprisingly efficient for a wide variety of reasons. And the installation process is simpler and quicker than installing an entire system of ductwork. 

However, while a mini split is a good choice in general, there are some times and places when choosing any other type of system would not make sense. They fill certain needs so perfectly that nothing else could do the job as well. What situations are ductless mini splits ideal for? Read on to find out. If you’re considering a ductless mini split in Fort Walton Beach, FL, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

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How Your Pets May Be Causing Your Air Conditioner Problems

Monday, June 24th, 2024

You’ve probably got a pretty good idea of how to keep your AC system in decent condition. Make sure you get annual maintenance, change the air filter monthly, and hose down or rake around the outdoor unit to keep good airflow going. Of course, if you’ve got an air conditioner problem, you should have it repaired promptly, so the problem won’t have a chance to worsen.

But there are things that could be happening to your air conditioner that you’re not noticing. Sometimes, pets are the cause of a sneaky air conditioner problem you haven’t figured out yet. What could that be? We’ll explain.

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Have You Gotten Your AC Maintenance Done Yet?

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Surely you’re already using your air conditioner. It’s getting hot out there! But did you manage to squeeze in an AC maintenance appointment before the heat hit? If not, you might be wondering if it’s still worth it. Should you schedule AC maintenance now, even though the ideal spring maintenance season has passed? Yes, definitely! We’ll explain why.

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Signs that Your Ductless AC System Needs Repair

Monday, May 13th, 2024

When something goes wrong with an air conditioner, it needs prompt attention. If you allow the system to struggle for too long with an unrepaired problem, the issue can get worse quickly. This can lead to a complete breakdown, which is the last thing you want to deal with during a heatwave in the middle of a Florida summer!

The question is, how can you tell as soon as possible that something is starting to go wrong? There are some key signs you’ll notice when any kind of AC system needs repair, and some that are specific to ductless systems. Here’s what to watch for.

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The One Major Red Flag That It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Our air conditioners here in Florida have a hard job to do. Temperatures are high and summers are long. Even so, with regular maintenance, an air conditioner can last more than a decade. If your air conditioner is getting on in years, you’re probably starting to wonder when you’ll need to replace it. 

You don’t want to spend money on AC replacement too soon if it’s not necessary, but you don’t want to put it off until it breaks down completely. Where is the line? How can you tell when it’s time to get a new air conditioner? We’ll try to make that as simple as possible for you. Here’s what you need to know.

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What Really Happens During Ductless AC Maintenance

Monday, March 18th, 2024

You probably know that you should schedule AC maintenance before the weather heats up. You’ve surely been told that it will keep your air conditioner from having as many problems, saving you from breakdowns or repair needs. You might even know that it will help your air conditioner run more efficiently, so your electric bill won’t creep up and up, and that it will maximize your air conditioner’s life expectancy.

But you might have a better understanding of traditional AC maintenance than ductless maintenance. If you have a ductless system, what maintenance does it need? Is it different from central AC maintenance? What is the process of ductless AC maintenance like? Let’s explain!

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Does My Florida Home Need an Inverter AC?

Monday, November 13th, 2023

Fall is the perfect season to take some time to reflect on how things went with your air conditioner over the summer. Is it struggling, possibly needing repair? Is it getting too old, so even regular maintenance isn’t keeping it in tip-top condition? Or is it using so much energy that your utility bills have become overwhelming?

While you’re not in a rush, since the weather has cooled down, you should consider your options. If the time for AC replacement has come, or you want an efficiency upgrade to reduce your electric bill, one option you should consider is an inverter AC.

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Why Does My AC Smell Like Vinegar?

Monday, October 16th, 2023

Many things in your home emit odors, from the hot-dust smell of turning your heat on for the first time in the winter to the unpleasant aroma of the shoes of your teenagers. Generally, your air conditioner will not be the cause of any smells in your home. But what if it is?

If you notice a sour smell coming from your AC unit or the vents that distribute your conditioned air, it’s time to take action. What could cause an air conditioner to smell like vinegar? We’ll get to the bottom of it. Here are the things you need to check.

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Yes, Your Mini Split Needs Twice-A-Year Maintenance

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

Your ductless mini split is an incredible system. You can count on it all year to keep your home at an ideal temperature, whether the summer heat is over a hundred degrees or winter nighttime temps are dipping into the thirties. 

The way to ensure that your mini split will continue to work as it should is to get regular maintenance, and yes, that does mean twice a year. Here’s why.

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