Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

This Simple Trick Can Improve HVAC Efficiency

Monday, November 5th, 2018

green house on seesaw with money symbolOur team is always happy to offer helpful advice when it comes to what type of HVAC system to get, how to use it most efficiently, and when to schedule maintenance (once a year for your air conditioner and once a year for your heater!) The second point, efficiency, is what most of our customers want to know more about. As you probably guessed, a higher efficiency HVAC system will use less energy, and therefore cost less to run than an older or inefficiently working system.

Maintenance is a huge part of keeping this system in good shape, whether we’re talking about your air conditioner or your heater. It’s also important to keep up on repair needs, as a suffering system has to work harder to do its job. But this kind of care isn’t the only thing you can do to improve HVAC efficiency. There is one simple trick that can be surprisingly helpful: use your ceiling fans!

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No Matter How Often You Use Your Heater, It Needs a Tune-Up!

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Technician looking over a gas furnace with a flashlight before cleaning it.True, we don’t have to worry about frigid temperatures in the fall and winter like other parts of the country do. However this doesn’t mean you should just neglect your heating in Navarre, FL. Your heating system deserves attention too, even if it’s only going to be operating for a couple months or so. Actually, maintenance may be even more important for our area, since our heating systems aren’t something we pay a lot of attention to, and therefore could miss the signs of a repair need.

And repair needs are one of the top reasons you need this service. Maintenance helps our technicians spot small issues before they become bigger ones. Keep reading for more detail on this, as well as other benefits of heating maintenance.

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Is Your Aging Heater Draining Your Wallet?

Monday, March 26th, 2018

house and money symbol on seesawWouldn’t it be nice if you had a Destin, FL heating system that would last forever? With how little we use our heating systems around these parts, it can be frustrating when repair needs crop up, and when you discover that you need to replace an aging heater that just can’t be patched up anymore.

Unfortunately, though, as little as we may need these appliances, we still do need them, and the fact of the matter is that you are going to run into some type of problem with your heating system throughout its lifespan. The best thing you can is learn to recognize the signs that your heater is in disrepair, especially if it’s at older system. This way, you can get out in front of the problems before they grow any worse.

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Common End-of-Season Heater Needs

Monday, February 26th, 2018

HVAC Return Air Wall Register VentAround our area, the use of heating systems is brief, but necessary for when temperatures do drop to an uncomfortable level. Chances are, you’ve already begun to use your heater less and less in recent weeks. Perhaps you’re even done with it for the season. If a minor repair need cropped up, you’ve probably decided it can wait until next year, since you don’t need your heater that much.

However, this can be a big mistake. Spring may be right around the corner, but neglecting Milton, FL HVAC repair needs can be detrimental for your heater, no matter how late in the season it may be or how little you actually need your heater.

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Beware These Furnace Noises as the Weather Cools

Friday, December 1st, 2017

furnace venting outdoorsOkay, it’s true—we don’t have to worry about cooler weather too much around here. But given the vast difference between the coldest night of the year and the hottest day, in the middle of winter you’ll be grateful for a fully functional furnace. Hopefully, you’ve had yours maintained already this season to prevent any problems from cropping up.

But it’s also important to remember that even if you keep up on Navarre, FL heating services, there is still a chance that problems could crop up. One of the most common service calls we get are in regards to heating systems that are making odd noises. What do they mean? Can you ignore them? Keep reading to learn more.

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Common Furnace Issues and How to Resolve Them

Monday, February 13th, 2017

common-furnace-issuesIt may not be as unbearably cold here as it is in other parts of the country currently—in fact far from it—but that doesn’t mean that Florida homeowners aren’t just as deserving of efficient heat when temperatures do drop. Sure, residents in the Midwest may laugh at what we consider “cold,” but on a 50 degree night, you’ll be thankful for an effectively working furnace!

If your furnace does malfunction, then we are here to assist with professional furnace repairs throughout Gulf Breeze, FL and beyond. In the meantime, we’d like to share with you some of the most common causes for furnace repair, many of may be avoided entirely with proper maintenance.

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Is a Furnace the Right Heater Type for My Home?

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Furnaces have been and still are one of the most popular types of heating systems found in modern homes today. There are a number of reasons for this, one of them being that advancements in efficiency have made these systems very affordable to operate, and extremely reliable. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of furnaces and their benefits, so that you can make an educated decision as to one is a good option for your home or not.

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Is Your Furnace Making These Ominous Noises?

Monday, December 5th, 2016

With weather cooling down to the point that it’s finally time for you to turn on your heater—at least at night—hopefully you have a system that is ready to do its job effectively and efficiently. If, however, you notice noises that it probably should be making, then it’s imperative that you don’t ignore the problem or potential problem. Odd sounds echoing from your furnace are typically early signs of developing trouble.

To reduce the risk of expensive repairs or a complete shutdown, it’s important that you get in touch with a professionally trained HVAC professional as soon as possible. Your furnace trouble might be minor, but even the smallest problems can begin to cause wear and tear on your heating system that will lead to further problems, or even safety hazards. So, what noises should you listen for?

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Furnace Troubles You May Encounter

Monday, November 7th, 2016

While our great state will never get as cold as some of the states in the Midwest, our winters still do bring temperatures cool enough for us to make use of a heating system. When that happens, you want to make sure that you have a heater which is ready to handle its job effectively and efficiently.

If it’s a furnace that you’ll be utilizing this winter, then you’ll want to keep an eye out for any common furnace problems that may crop up. The faster you address furnace repair needs, the more damage you can prevent. Keep reading to learn more.

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Include a Zone Control System with Your New HVAC Installation

Monday, September 5th, 2016

Though our weather right now can be described as anything but “cool,” fall is on its way, making it the perfect time to think about whether or not you need to replace your HVAC system—whether it’s an air conditioner or a heating system you are counting on to work this winter. When our weather is mild, as it is for the most part as we approach the end of the year, our professionals typically have less crammed schedules as they aren’t responding to emergencies.

This makes now the perfect time to think about system installation. But the type of air conditioner or heater you purchase isn’t the only thing you should consider; a zone control system will make either of these provide you with even more comfort.

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